1. There are loads of McDonalds here, but most of them only sell icecream. Not that I object, particularly, to the overconsumption of icecream, but part of me does wish it was a Ben & Jerrys on every corner rather than a rubbish Mr Whippy drowned in manjar (like dulce de leche).
2. In almost every apartment, there is a tiny annex for a live-in housekeeper, also known as a "Nana". They do all the housework and cooking (hence why Chilean kitchens are so pants), and often take care of the children as well. This tickles me, because in my family we use the word "Nana" to mean "Grandma"... so, essentially, my mum is a Nana! Hehehehe...
3. You can see the snowy mountains whilst sitting under a palm tree
4. The postal service. is. terrible. It basically consists of a few men on bicycles with cardboard boxes taped to the handlebars, riding around and chucking the post in the general direction of where it´s meant to go. It is currently the bane of my life. I will say no more.
5. It costs less to buy a three course meal than it does to get a Big Mac meal. Not that I´ve had a Big Mac.
6. For some unknown reason, chocolate here, in the birthplace of the cacao bean, is the worst I´ve ever tasted. I crave Green & Blacks!!!!!!
7. Supermarkets are open until 9pm most nights, and the metro is open til about 11pm, but they close earlier on weekends. Where is the logic?!
La Entusiasta